Service Meeting Part Comments

Do you remember what the issue was when we read about Jesus temptation to turn stone into bread last Friday? It wasn't about performing miracles. And it wasn't about hunger, Jesus had been sustained for 40 days already. No, it was about Jesus losing focus of why he was there, to meditate on all Jehovah had revealed to him after his baptism. Today, Satan does the same thing to us, he wants us to lose our spiritual focus by tempting us to forgo spiritual things like Christian meetings. Though occasionally there are good reasons why one can't attend, like a contagious illness or severe injury. Usually, though, we are faced with this dilema because of work, homework, family or friends in town or perhaps something else that could tempt us to miss meetings. Satan wants us to "turn those stones into loaves of bread," lose our spiritual focus temporarily. But why are all of the meetings so important? To answer that question let's go over together the material on the front page of Our Kingdom Ministry titled "Meetings Incite to Fine Works."

1. In the first paragraph how does Hebrews 10:24 (bookmark this scripture) "And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works," apply to two essential features of our worship?

2. A) In this paragraph we are first asked to look at Matthew 24:13-14 "But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." How does this apply to our meetings?

2. B) How let's look back at Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised". Why should we "hold fast to public declaration" at the meetings?

2. C) At Timothy 4:2 we are told to "preach the word, with the [art of] teaching", how does the TMS help us?

3. How can the Service Meetings and Our Kingdom Ministry incite us to preach?

4. In what ways can those of us in Orchard Glen, especially since we meet on Friday night, utilize the service meetings?

*** sg 82-3 pars. 17 & 18 under Conversation That Upbuilds *** (READ) When in company with spiritual brothers and sisters, too, it is only right that the conversation should be on a high plane, one befitting ministers of the good news. Its purpose should not simply be to pass the time, but to upbuild. Fine opportunities for upbuilding conversation are afforded before and after meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Do not make it a practice to rush away as soon as the meetings are dismissed. Why not engage in conversation with older, experienced brothers, as well as with those who may be timid and inclined to be by themselves? There is so much to talk about. Discuss points of special interest from recent issues of The Watchtower. You might talk about a coming assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School. Others may have fresh ideas that you can use in your talk, or maybe you can suggest ideas to help someone else with his assignment. Field experiences can be shared, or you might talk about some part particularly enjoyed on the meeting that day. Such conversations do indeed build up.

5. Our final scripture is back in Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near." Why is it important for us to apply this scripture to all five of our meetings?

As we have seen Satan wants to tempt us to miss meetings because they stimulate or prompt us to theocratic action!! So let's, one and all, make sure we don't lose our spiritual focus by making every effort to attend all five of them!! And look around, notice who is missing and encourage them by calling them tomorrow not to miss this all so important aspect of our worship to Jehovah!

Raymond and Nancy Davis
Orchard Glen Cong., Mesa, Arizona, USA

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