Buzzards Or Hummingbirds?

Friends, I saw this on the internet and enjoyed it so much - thought you would too.

Are you a Buzzard or a Hummingbird?!

Jehovah is a God of love and all of his true servants, in imitation of him, are recognized by the LOVE they have for one another. But, what does this have to do with Buzzards and Hummingbirds?

Well, both fly over the desert. The buzzard searches out dead decaying carcasses lying in the open and feeds on them while the hummingbird looks for sweet nectar of the beautiful wild flowers that are sometimes well hidden. Both find what they are looking for in the same desert.

In viewing our brothers, what do WE look for? Are we like the buzzard and see only their negative, ugly, unpleasant traits, and then thrive on such faultfinding? Or are we like the hummingbird that searches out the positive, pleasant, loving qualities of our brothers, and do we derive nourishment in their kind, self-sacrificing acts of brotherly love?

What we look for in our Brothers will prove if we are imitating Jehovah who looks for the good qualities in his servants, and will show if we are like the buzzard or the hummingbird.

Remember, you will find what you are looking for!

Sent to you with Christian love from
Desiree Osborn, Cairo, New York Congregation, USA

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