Thought all would appreciate this HARE raising story ... :->
A man driving down a lane saw a Texas Jack-Rabbit hopping along beside him. Suddenly the animal turned and crossed in front of his car. Though he tried to avoid it, he hit the Jack. An animal lover, he was despondent about it and after stopping the car, ran back to see if it could be saved. Unfortunately, the Jack had left this world and the man sat there crying and holding the dead animal.
Just then a local ambulance squad was passing and stopped to see if they could help. An EMT came up to the man and saw the dead Jack. Quickly he ran back to the squad and returned with a spray can. Laying the Jack on the ground, he sprayed him with the contents of the can and they waited.
A minute later the Jack twitched, then sat up, looked at them and waved a paw and hopped off. About 50 feet down the road it stopped, turned and waved a paw at them again. The Jack kept this up until it was out of site. The EMT walked back to the squad followed by the thankful and curious driver.
"What was in that can?" he asked.
Without a word the EMT handed him the empty can and drove off. It read:
"Natural Hair Spray - Restores Dead Hair, Adds Permanent Wave."
At least that's they way I heard it ....
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Jeremy & Sally Adkins